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General Information

To get you started fast we have put together this quick Getting Start Guide.
This is broken down into the following areas:

Get Started Fast | ClickBank Hoplinks | Create your own Hoplink | How much can I Earn? | Get a copy for FREE


Get Started Fast

You need a Free Clickbank ID

Get one Free in less than 60 Seconds.

Once you have a ClickBank 'nickname' ID you are ready to begin. we have made it easy for you to promote 3DBoatDesign Simply replace everywhere below where you see the 'AFF_ID' with your ClickBank affiliate 'nickname.'

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Clickbank Hoplinks

Now that you have joined up with Clickbank, you need to create a "CLICKBANK HOPLINK". This is how Clickbank keeps track of the traffic you send and how you get credit for all the sales you generate.

So the very first step after you have signed up for your clickbank account is to understand how to make a hoplink. Keep in mind, if you make your link incorrectly, that is kind of like putting an ad in the yellow pages and using the wrong phone number!
(YOU are responsible to make sure your hoplinks are coded correctly!!!! )

When someone clicks through YOUR hoplink, they are redirected to www.3DBoatDesign.com and a "cookie" (a small tracking file) is dropped onto the computer of the visitor. This "marks" that visitor as coming from your referral.

Clickbank uses 60 day cookies, so that means if the people you send purchase that day or if they return any time within the next 60 days, you will get the commission for the sale!

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Create Your Own Hoplinks:

The current standard clickbank hoplink format is:


Make sure you change AFF_ID to the clickbank ID you have created

Click here to get Clickbank to generate your HopLink

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How much can I earn - New Increased Payouts

In the world of affiliate marketing, conversions is what counts. 3DBoatDesign has been painstakingly created to ensure maximum ROI is created.

Purchase price = $47.95
You Receive = $30.00 per sale

This software is in demand as every day there are thousands of people actively looking for this type of software. As far as how much you can earn, the sky is the limit. To give you an idea have a look at the table below to see how much you can really make.

Sales Per Day
Daily Income
Weekly Income
Yearly Income

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Get a copy of 3DBoatDesign for FREE

Simply sell 2 copies via your affiliate link then contact us telling us what that affiliate link is. It will be checked out and you receive a copy of 3DBoatDesign for FREE

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