Building a Boat? Building a boat is a coolest thing to do with your family and friends during a long vacation. Learning how to build a boat can be a big project. You will need not only the skill but the motivation to finish your boat. You also need to earn a lot of patience. Having confidence in your building skills can go a long way. Before building a boat, you need to decide what kind of boat you are planning to build. There is lots of boat to choose. But if it is your first time to build your boat. I suggest building a small one first. After selecting the boat for you, make sure that all supplies are already available. From the glue needed to the fiberglass, you will not want to do a last minute search for items. It might interrupt you in building your boat. Have all your tools ready and well prepared. Remember using the wrong type of wood will result in a boat that will sink. Order any special tools you will need before beginning to build your boat. Most builders will have a table saw and common hand tools available. Now that your materials are already ready. Begin with the floorboards; you can now attach the floorboards with screws to a centerboard that runs the length of the craft. Fill in any cracks with heavy waterproof resin. Place the form up on a table or platform so that you can easily reach the form to add the traditional parts. You can also add the transom, which will hold your form together as you bend the plywood to make the curved sides of your boat. Bend the planks on the sides to form a point of the boat. Screw together each plank from the bottom up. Fill cracks with resin after the side is complete. Being creativity in building a boat will make you feel more comfortable. A bare bottom can be covered with more planks of plywood or just insert the seats. Now you are almost finished, in learning how to build a boat. All that is left is to caulk the inside and outside of the seams in the wood. This is also known as corking the boat, and it should not take a whole lot of caulk if your boards are tight together. Once you have finished corking the boat and the caulk has dried, you need to sand it down and then paint it with a few coats of primer and then a few coats of paint in the color of your choice. Learning how to build a boat can be a big project. But building boat can makes fun and memorable for the family project. You can also include your children in tasks that are age appropriate. Once the building boat is finished, the boat can be for the whole family to enjoy.