Yes You Can Really Build a Sailboat… I can assure that there’s nothing more refreshing, invigorating and rewarding to family when they take to the waters in a sailboat. But what’s even more rewarding is that the sailboat you all are in was built with your own hands. So, contrary to what many may think, you really can build a sailboat with your own hand. It may take a little woodworking knowledge, patience and perseverance but it definitely can be accomplished. The first order of business is to select a plan that would be convenient for you or purchase at DIY kit. Start off with something simple and easy to use if you’re just getting your feet wet. Find your favorite hardware store and buy the material needed in this task. You’ll definitely be using wood because a sailboat is not truly a sailboat unless it’s built from wood. But get something durable and that will last awhile. Before getting into the groove of things, you want to mark the plywood so that you get sharp and accurate cuts. You want to use exact measurement in order to get the most accurate results. In order to build a sailboat that will operate and function flawlessly you need to carefully cut your plywood and assemble it according to the plans. Don’t make the mistake of getting hasty and forget to let parts dry completely. There’s nothing worse than having your boat fall apart while in a body of water. Make certain that all the seams and joints are filled with epoxy and tape made of fiberglass to prevent leakage. And finally put the finishing touches on it with your handcrafted designs and figures. When you build a sailboat always remember this is your creation and should be treated with care, dignity and pride if you want it to be around for awhile.